Numeri speciali

In this section there are some loose editions or monographic publications tied to periodicals edited by Ricordi, or which refer to the history of the music publishing house.

In the first group are both the Biblioteca Illustrata della Gazzetta Musicale di Milano (An Illustrated Library of the Gazette of the Music of Milan) and the Supplementi straordinari (Special Supplements), such as those printed for the deaths of Rossini and Verdi, or those dedicated to particular topics, such as the Teatri di Pompei (Theaters of Pompei). The formats vary, and they are adapted to the formats of the Gazzetta at the time of their publication. The single supplements can be found both bound together with the year to which they belong, or separately. To this can be added n.1 of the Quaderni di Musica d’oggi (Notebooks of Today’s Music) dedicated to the theme of Scuola-Musica (School-Music), which gathers all the articles appearing in Musica d’Oggi between October 1959 and December 1960 about teaching music in European and American elementary schools and high schools.

Various editions appear in the second group. There is a special issue published in 1908 of Il Risorgimento Grafico, a magazine of the graphic arts and typography, which was dedicated to the centenary of the Ricordi publishing house, and which also included previously unpublished photographs. Similarly, there is also Profili Biografici, promoted in 1911 by the Commissione Festeggiamenti dell’Unione Industriali arti grafiche ed affini (The Celebrations Committee of the Industrial Union for Graphic Arts and Related Fields) to honor the 10 people still active after 50 years, including Rusconi, Treves, and Giulio Ricordi. In addition, there are special publications, such as Il Nerone alla Scala, which are part of the section of individual editions dedicated to extraordinary theater events, such as the previous ones for Otello and Falstaff edited by the Fratelli Treves. It was 1924, and the posthumous presentation of Arrigo Boito’s opera Nerone, directed by Toscanini, was considered the event of the year. Another carefully produced publication rich with illustrations was dedicated, instead, to the Wagnerian Il crepuscolo degli dei, 1913, edited by Carlo Clausetti of the Ricordi office in Naples of which he was then director and later co-manager.

I Teatri di Pompei. Supplemento Gazzetta, 1884 PDF WIKI
Title: I Teatri di Pompei
Subtitle: Supplemento Straordinario della Gazzetta Musicale di Milano (A Special Edition of the Gazette of the Music of Milan)
Bibliographic level: monograph
Type of document: text
Publication: 1884
Place of publication: Milan
Editor: R. Stabilimento Ricordi
Physical description: 8 pp.; illus.; 42 cm. (about 16 ½ in.)
Language of publication: Italian

Supplemento Straordinario dedicato a Gioachino Rossini, 1892 PDF WIKI
Title: Gioachino Rossini
Subtitle: Supplemento Straordinario della Gazzetta Musicale di Milano (A Special Edition of the Gazette of the Music of Milan)
Bibliographic level: monograph
Type of document: text
Publication: February 29, 1892
Place of publication: Milan
Editor: G.Ricordi & Co.
Physical description: 32 pp.; illus.; 33 cm. (about 13 in.)
Language of publication: Italian

Biblioteca Illustrata della Gazzetta Musicale PDF WIKI
Title: Biblioteca illustrata della Gazzetta Musicale di Milano
Bibliographic level: monograph
Type of document: text
Frequency: annual
Publication: 1886-1888
Numbering: vol. I (1886); vol. II (1887); vol. III (1888)
Place of publication: Milan
Editor: G.Ricordi & Co.
Physical description: 1 vol.; illus.; 20 cm. (about 8 in.)
Language of publication: Italian

Quaderni di “Musica d’Oggi” – N.1 Scuola e Musica PDF WIKI
Title: Quaderni di “Musica d’Oggi”
Subtitle: N.1 Scuola e Musica (N.1 School and Music)
Bibliographic level: monograph
Type of document: text
Publication: 1961
Place of publication: Milan
Editor: G.Ricordi & Co.
Physical description: 71 pp.; illus.; 23 cm. (about 9 in.)
General notes: there are two copies in the Ricordi archive
Language of publication: Italian

Pro Familia – N.3 – 1908 PDF WIKI
Title: Pro Familia
Subtitle: Rivista Settimanale Illustrata (A Weekly Illustrated Magazine)
Bibliographic level: periodical
Type of document: text
Frequency: weekly
Publication: Officine dell’Istituto Italiano di arti grafiche
Numbering: year 1, n.1 (Oct 1900) -
Place of publication: Bergamo
Editor: Various
Physical description: illus.; 31 cm. (about 12 in.)
General notes: year 9, n.3, 1908, contains the article about the centenary of the Ricordi music publishing house
Language of publication: Italian

Profili Biografici PDF WIKI
Title: Profili Biografici
Subtitle: dei colleghi che hanno compiuto 50 anni di esercizio (About Colleagues Who Have Completed 50 Years of Business Activity)
Bibliographic level: monograph
Type of document: text
Publication: 1911
Place of publication: Milan
Editor: Enrico Bonetti
Physical description: illus.; 28 cm. (about 11 cm.)
General notes: Unione Industriali Arti Grafiche ed affini – Commissione festeggiamenti (The Union of the Industrial Graphic Arts and Related Fields – Celebrations Committee)
Language of publication: Italian

Il “Nerone” di Arrigo Boito alla Scala PDF WIKI
Title: Il “Nerone” di Arrigo Boito alla Scala
Subtitle: In occasione della prima rappresentazione avvenuta la sera del primo maggio MCMXXIV (For the first presentation, which took place on the evening of May 1st, MCMXXIV)
Bibliographic level: monograph
Type of document: text
Publication: 1924
Place of publication: Milan
Editor: G.Ricordi & Co.
Physical description: 31 pp.; illus.; 34 cm. (about 13 1/3 in.)
Language of publication: Italian

Il Crepuscolo degli Dei – Notizie e documenti raccolti da Carlo Clausetti PDF WIKI
Title: Il Crepuscolo degli Dei
Subtitle: Notizie e documenti raccolti da Carlo Clausetti (Notes and Documents Gathered by Carlo Clausetti)
Bibliographic level: monograph
Type of document: text
Publication: 1913
Place of publication: Naples
Editor: G.Ricordi & Co., Editors
Physical description: 64 pp.; illus.; 32 cm. (about 13 in.)
Language of publication: Italian

Il Risorgimento Grafico PDF WIKI
Il Risorgimento Grafico PDF WIKI
Title: Il Risorgimento Grafico – Fascicolo dedicato al Centenario della Ditta Ricordi & C. di Milano
Subtitle: Raccolta mensile di saggi grafici e scritti tecnici diretta da Raffaello Bertieri (A Monthly Collection of Essays about Graphics and Technical Articles Directed by Raffaello Bertieri)
Bibliographic level: monograph
Type of document: text
Publication: printed in April 1908 (fasc. n.10, year V, October 1907)
Place of publication: Milan
Editor: Officine Grafica Bertieri e Vanzetti in Milano (stampatore) (Bertieri and Vanzetti Graphics Workshop in Milan; printer)
Physical description: illus., 32 cm. (about 13 in.)
General notes: the Ricordi archive has two copies with different layouts
Language of publication: Italian